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Regina Karadada - Wandjina

Acrylic on Canvas 56 x 40cm
$ 450.00 AUD
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RKNG 0807 - Regina Karadada - Wandjina
Indigenous - Western & Eastern Desert Art
Acrylic on Canvas
56 x 40cm

Wandjinas are rain spirits and rain makers. They are from the Wunumbal, Worora and Nygarijin tribes. Each of these tribes have their own Wandjinas. Their eyes are like the cyclone. They don’t need a mouth because they are powerful and don’t need to say anything. If a white man have a Wandjina in their house, he must look at that Wandjina every day and that Wandjina will look after him. But they must believe in him. The lines around the head and dots means things like rain, clouds, lightning. The colours represent mother earth, clouds, sun, rains, plants and many many things……Regina Karadada, 2012

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In love with my new frame, thank you Studio Craft Frameworks!

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