Picture Framers, Home Stylers and Art Restorers

Ji Chen

Ji Chen was born in Shanghai, China. He completed his Bachelor of Arts degree at Shanghai Drama Academy in 1984, and later worked as chief set designer for the Beijing Opera Theatre Company of China. His technical mastery showcased in his breath-taking landscapes quickly grew in reputation. Subsequently, his watercolour work, ‘pool’, was the recipient of a prestigious national award, and exhibited throughout China, which marked the beginning of his professional career as an artist

Major Awards and Prizes

2019 - James W Mann Piggott/Higgins Memorial Award, Hobsons Bay Art Show
2016 - Winner People's Choice Award, Tattersall's invite only 26th Landscape Art Prize.
2006 - Winner People's Choice, Fleurieu Peninsula Biennale International Art Prize
2006 - Victor Harbor Art Show, Best Oil
2005 - The Herald Sun Camberwell Rotary Art Show, Gold Medal award
2004 - Winner People's Choice, Fleurieu Peninsula Biennale International Art Prize
2002 - Winner People's Choice, Fleurieu Peninsula Biennale International Art Prize
1994 - Victor Harbor Art Show, Best in Show

Featured in the Press

International Contemporary Artists Vol X 2015
Australian Artist Issue January 2006
Australian Artist Magazine Issue July 2005
Herald Sun April 23 2005
Star News Tuesday 17th May 2005
Australian Artist Issue September 2001
Australian Magazine Issue December 1996 
Southern Cross Article Wednesday August 17th 1994


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