Picture Framers, Home Stylers and Art Restorers

Rowdy Warren

‘I first knew I was fascinated with drawing and art when I was about 3 or 4 and mum gave me my first pencil. It was like finding the key to a whole new world.’ R. Warren.

Rowdy (Grant) Warren was born and raised in South Australia – calling Adelaide home since the 1970’s. He was an interesting and interested child, always imagining ‘what if…’ Conventional schooling was not a good match for Rowdy’s original and spirited imagination.  He first came to be noticed around Adelaide as a member of a punk band and to promote their own gigs he began to design the band’s logos and posters. He discovered he had a real love of creating a visual statement and began then to design logos for others. He even established his own street-wear brand although no longer a part of Rowdy’s portfolio.

His creative energies were vibrant, thirsty and always wanting more. He yearned to know more. His desires would soon be satisfied when he met a group of indigenous artists from whom he both drew inspiration and skills, and imparted contemporary skills. This was a great time of development and spiritual/artistic awakening for Rowdy as he seemed to see the mesmerising Australian landscape for the first time. His current major work ‘Wildflower Series’ is astonishing in its depiction of native fauna. The richness, depth and stunning portrayal of these frail but hardy purveyors of beauty highlights Australia in a way that has never been seen before.

‘It’s such a thrill to see these beautiful flowers and present them in a way that makes people really see them. It’s what I love to do.’ R. Warren.

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Thank you for completing yet another 'superb' job.

Katrina Anderson
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