Picture Framers, Home Stylers and Art Restorers

Jenny Croome

Jenny is a Hampton born local artist.  Her artistic self-expression captures the essence of a person in a joyful, delightful way"

Reflecting the essence and emotion of the person: "I create an impression of the person I am painting; it is definitely much better if I meet a client rather than trying to feel their essence from photos alone.  I like to have a bit of a chat, just get to know them a little, taking my own photos but also getting an impression of their character and the many expressions a camera doesn’t get in a few shots."

"Meeting face to face gives me a chance to explain my style and to discuss the clients expectations. I’m be happy to add hints of their interests if wanted but in a somewhat abstracted, unconventional way that we could discuss. Colours they might prefer or hate.  I really enjoy starting a painting from life, having someone sit while I block in super boldly with a big brush. It would not be too long a sitting, just enough to get the initial likeness on canvas, then finalised from some good photos."

"Faces are my thing!  Let me show you colour, and a slightly skewed reality, where paint has a voice of its own.  Love my job!" - Jenny Croom


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Wanted to thank you again for your work on fram...

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